Technology Innovations

The Nimb ring has the ability to alert the authorities, friends, and family of your location in dangerous situations in only three seconds with a concealed secret button. You can set up and customize exactly who gets these alerts. It can be used for a variety of situations in which the wearer feels threatened. It is also used to simply communicate with others if they cannot be reached, by sending a vibration to their ring. It is also very helpful for phone loss prevention, and even alerts you when you are too far away from your phone.It offers an audio recording feature that may be used as evidence. It is important to know that Nimb does not track you in real time, and instead locates you after you have pinged to alert people. This innovation will impact athletes, women, men, children, the elderly-basically everyone. It will solve the problem of a person not being able to call the police or a family member when needed. I think this is wonderful because it provides security, does not infringe upon your privacy, and has multiple useful features.

The Internet Giveaway

President Barack Obama’s administration announced plans to give up the protections of the internet to the United Nations. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers will have to seek another overseer of their organization to keep their anti-trust status. This makes the internet vulnerable to authoritarian leaders that are part of the UN. They make take advantage of the situation and further censor the internet in their countries and all over the world. Icaan has proven to abusing the lack of government oversight in order to make millions. Many conservative groups oppose this move. The internet giveaway puts in jeopardy the freedoms of many countries to access the web and threatens the security of the United States.

Image result for the internet giveaway

Roger Bannister

Roger Bannister achieved his excellence through research and contributions to academic medicine. He achieved this by attending University and going to medical school and introducing new procedures in neurology. Technology has helped his discoveries and procedures happen by developing the tools to actually operate.

Roger Bannister as a young medical student in the mid-1950s.

I appreciate this man’s dedication to advancing the medical field. He has greatly contributed to saving lives and has made a lasting impact in the industry. I also admire how even though he was a record-setting runner, he continued his education and looked to help the world in other ways. He was not searching for fame. Instead, he sought to practice medicine. I would love to contribute to the world as he has.

Technology Innovation

The COWAROBOT R1 is a robotic hands-free carry-on suitcase that moves besides its owner. This technology can impact travelers all around the world. It will solve the problems of carrying too many bags in your hands, taking care of children, going up stairs and escalators, as well as simply running late. I think this innovation is fantastic because it comes equipped with safety features to make sure your luggage is safe. It is helpful in a multitude of ways and is opening up futuristic must-haves for the 21st century traveler.

Mikaele Oloa

Mikaele Oloa has achieved excellence by becoming the 2005 and 2006 World Fire Knife Dance champion as well as receiving multiple awards for his talent. He is very skilled and a wonderful performer. He shows excitement and leaves his audience in wonder. He achieved this excellence after learning and training with his father, following in his footsteps. technology impacted his Arete experience by the ability to share his skills to the world through social media. This made him more known and popular.

Arete was achieved in this example through respect of the art and the culture. I learned that immersing myself in my culture can be beneficial. I love his willingness to share the beauty of his heritage to the world.

Image result for mikaele oloa

Technology Innovation

An exciting and very useful computer innovation is the development of a magnetic phone charger that allows for charging to take place on different phone types (Android or iPhone). This can impact people who live in a household where there are multiple types of phones, people who decide to purchase new phones, and would work wonderfully for emergency situations. It will solve the issues of not being able to charge your phone because the charger is incompatible with the device. I think this innovation is amazing and compared to similar competitors, the X-Connect cable aligns perfectly with the charging heads to fit your phone’s needs. It is both useful and affordable.


Nathan Sawaya

American artist, Nathan Sawaya has achieved excellence by his original creation of three-dimensional sculptures using Legos! He achieved excellence by following his passion as a Lego creator, and later branching off to his own studio, independently. He makes intricate sculptures which take time an patience. His work is award-winning and he has many fans all over the world. He has contributed his works of art to galleries and has sold them to collectors as well. I think technology can impact his Arete experience by creating a computer program that can teach young people to develop these sculptures themselves, through virtual means. His sculptures have also expressed social commentary on the use of technology and humans, so it has directly affected his work.

I am amazed by his talent but am very much inspired to follow my dreams. Nathan Sawaya took a chance and quit his job as a corporate lawyer to pursue his passion and excellence. I think that takes a lot of courage and I respect him for his confidence and trust in himself. I have learned that no matter where I am in my life, i have the power to pursue my happiness without fear.


PictureSawaya and Sculpture | Image Courtesy of Nathan Sawaya

Technology/Science Innovation

General Streaming Systems had developed the Perfect Memory camera. It is a wearable camera that can capture life’s fleeting moments! You no longer have to worry about not recording something as sudden as your child’s first words or some other lovely, but unexpected event. It is capable of using wifi, can be controlled through a smartphone application, accept SD cards with 128 GB of memory, be used as a regular camera/video camera, and is even capable of time-lapse. It can impact admirers of life. All kinds of people can wear this camera. What comes to mind is parents using it to record the beautiful moments with their family. It will solve the problem of never  being able to go back to a specific time. I think this is a great innovation, but I honestly would not feel comfortable using it due to privacy concerns. If someone were able to hack into my camera, they would be able to see my direct surroundings and the people I am with. These can make us easy targets for crimes. If they addressed my security concerns I would maybe consider buying this camera. Otherwise I think it is a great concept-and its hands free!


Blown to Bits Ch.3

On this chapter of Blown to Bits, I learned how emails and other electronic documents can fall vulnerable to changes and edits from third parties. To be more specific, edits and revisions to conceal private or confidential information can be simply undone, exposing people and businesses. This can badly hurt somebody’s reputation due to the unfiltering and lack of censorship. Redacted documents posted online are not safe from people hacking into them and revealing information not meant for the public to know. Most of the software used makes it easy to track the process of these changes. This is to make it convenient to the user. In reality, people can take precautions to avoid these incidents, but one of the main mistakes is accidentally highlighting lines that would have otherwise been redacted or forgetting to turn off tracking settings. People should be conscious of themselves at all times during these technologies, because they too can fall victims to these situations.

Alex Hattori

Alex Hattori is excellent at using the yo-yo. He is a state and United States yo-yo champion. He is so good that now he has his own line of yo-yos and trading cards as well. He was able to achieve his excellence through practice and appreciation of the art of yo-yoing. He credits his success to his mentors, who he holds in high regard. Without listening to his mentors and dedicating himself to improving, he wouldn’t be where he is now. Technology has helped him in his journey to become an Arete person because the yo-yo has evolved to be easier to maneuver in many ways. It has become easier to use because of the resurgence of using them for tricks. In its conception and design, technology has been used to refine details to make it as useful and effective as possible. I think that Alex Hattori is a great example of being an Arete person because his hobby is healthy and allows him to constantly learn great ethics and lessons about dedication to something you love. He inspires me to continue practicing what I like to do. I’m sure he wasn’t born being amazing at what he does. It took a lot of practice to get there and I admire his perseverance.

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