Class Evaluation

This class has been a very enjoyable experience for me. There are many things that I like about this class, but I really enjoy when we get to share out our opinions on things regarding the digital age and spreading of information. I also love being able to collaborate with other students so when can build off of one another to create deeper understandings of the concepts we learn. Mr. Haymore uploads all of our assignment tasks on Schoology. This makes it easy for me to know what I have to do and when it is due. All of this and more made our class be as great as it is!

Some things that I did not like about class was that all of our assignments were worth 100 points. This made it so that it was very difficult to raise your grade but very easy for it to drop dramatically. At the same time, I think it helped me to stay on my toes and take every assignment seriously. It was a challenge that helped me become a better student, have better learning habits, and be more responsible.

Some recommendations for next year would be to spend more time on I really enjoy hands on learning in this subject. Although that is typically not the case, this website has given me the freedom to explore concepts like I have never had the opportunity to do before. Another recommendation is to have practice AP Computer Science Principle exams in order to understand the process and experience.

This past lesson was my favorite!I loved that we were able to use class information create a visual representations a data story. It made me feel very engaged. I loved how we had to write lengthy and in depth-responses because it increased our level of critical thinking and made us more able to communicate and explain the process well.

I think I did my best in class but there will always be much more room for improvement. I always tried to study before tests and complete my assignments on time.

To qualify for college credit I am revisiting the College Board website and reviewing our tasks for the Advanced Placement exam.

I am reading my life planning goals every day but have not been updating my page in my electronic portfolio. I will improve and update it more frequently.

I am striving to be an Arete and CTR person. The process is not easy but it is very much worth it. I make sure to study and do homework as well as help people and spread this philosophy.

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