Technology Innovation

Lucid dreaming could become a common occurence if consumer purchase the iBand. The iBand is a headband that tracks your brain waves and patterns during sleep. It stimulates the brain with light and sound during REM, causing the person sleeping to realize they are dreaming. It can also be used for improving focus, meditation, and stress therapy. This will help treat sleeping disorders and will impact a large population that suffer them. I think that this is a very unique innovation. People don’t really think of lucid dreaming as a necessity but it does help stimulate creativity and problem solving, which I think the world needs more of. On the other hand, I do think it is more of a luxury that a necessity. Although indeed a cool object, I personally would not purchase it. There are apps on phones to track sleeping as well as music to relax before heading to bed. Lucid dreaming can also be practiced through other methods. It seems pricey and alternative cheaper methods exist.

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